
Dmitry V Popov once worked for Autopilot, an automotive enthusiasts` magazine that had a section dedicated to classic automobiles. To make it more interesting, his colleagues Dmitry Gronksy and staff photographer Dmitry Novokreschenov decided not to just simply photograph cars, but to stage a show featuring buildings and people wearing costumes of the period when the featured car was manufactured. This idea was so successful that it became a part of every issue coming out monthly.

"There exists a definite border between photography and cinematography and my goal is to overcome this division. Even though it has never been my priority to accurately reproduce history, I have always attempted to convey the spirit of the era during in which these legendary automobiles were produced. Every photo shoot is preceded by thorough research of the era: when and under what conditions a particular vehicle model was produced sets the theme..."

"The majority of my photographs are the result of a classically arranged photo shoot - the actors, costumes, hair, makeup, setting, and props are all fashioned to the standards of the era. Although each of the photographic series on each site is presented only partially, the collection taken in its entirety tells a story. The term "photo-clipping" would best describe my collection: the series of pictures tell a "moving" story using still images..."